Households living in EPC band D-G with a gross income of £31,000 or less.
Households living in EPC band D-G and meeting a combination of two of the below:
- Households in receipt of a Council Tax rebate (excludes single person rebate)
- A householder receiving free school meals due to low-income.
- Households in certain postcodes.
- Householders vulnerable to living in a cold home (excludes low-income).
- Non-Pre-Payment and Pre-Payment meter households in Utility Debt.
- A household referred to the LA for support by their energy supplier or Citizens Advice, or a householder supported by a LA run scheme.
Route2 Points 3 & 4 cannot be used in combination with one another
NHS referrals: Households in EPC band D-G and identified as low income and vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be impacted further by living in a cold home.
Council Specific Targeting Criteria – Further guidance on this route will be published by BEIS later in the year.